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Message of Hope to the Spring Lake Theatre & Dance Family

Dear Members of Our Community House Family, Gosh, I miss you!! It seems like years since we’ve been together. I visited the building yesterday for a few hours. It was so lonely and sad. This is usually the best, most exciting time of the year~~The time we all look forward to all year long. Never in our worst dreams would we have believed that the lockdown would have lasted this long. It seems like we are seeing a little light at the end of the tunnel. I believe that we can begin to make tentative plans on how we might be able to complete our year in the safest possible way. Everything will depend on how safe everyone believes they are at a particular time, in a particular place. We have the luxury of the whole summer without anything happening at the Community House except our Theatre Workshop and Dance programs. Once we have the ability to meet in groups of more than ten, we can begin to creatively plan classes and rehearsals. Unfortunately, we are not able to give you any definite information at this time. Please be patient with us while we feel our way toward fulfilling our promise to complete the year with the best plays and recitals possible under very strange circumstances. One thing for sure, 2020 is a time that no one will ever forget. Just for your information and hopefully, your input, these are a few of the possible ways that we might be able to make the magic happen. 

  • First and foremost, the building has already been completely cleaned and sanitized. We will continue to have all public spaces cleaned and sanitized every day. 

  • We are looking into obtaining equipment that will supplement our ventilation system to sanitize the air we breathe.

  • All of our teachers will wear masks when working with children. There is some debate about wearing masks while performing. Children should be wearing masks when entering and leaving the building. 

  • Hand sanitizers will be used as often as possible. 

  • We depend on each parent to keep their children at home if they are exhibiting any signs of illness.

  • We will make every effort to practice safe spacing while rehearsing and performing. We have the option of possibly performing some of our workshop plays outdoors. That might be fun! 

  • Recitals might be performed with individual age groups instead of mixing all ages together. We may be able to livestream everything that is done on our stage with a minimum number of people in the audience. We are very fortunate to have a staff of very creative people who can work miracles. 

The most important element in creating a plan is your input. Attached to this email is a survey that will enable us to understand exactly how you would like us to move forward. It probably won’t be possible to please everyone, but we can try. Our intention is exactly what it always has been~~to give your children a positive, happy, memorable experience while they grow and learn and become awesome, confident humans. If there is any way possible for us to help them to make another precious memory, it will happen. Please feel free to contact me anytime. I want to know what you are thinking. We’re all going through something that none of us have ever imagined. The only way that we can get through this is to believe that everything will get better. We will keep you posted on a regular basis on our progress moving forward.      As Mary Poppins sings: “Anything can happen if you let it.” With a good deal of love,           Pat Barry

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