Dear Friends,
Until March 13 of this year the Spring Lake Community House and Theatre was constantly alive with people of all ages. The 350-seat theatre had a full schedule of six Broadway quality musicals. There were Theatre Workshop and Dance classes filled with happy children learning to be their best, most confident selves in a loving and nurturing environment. The Upper Gallery sponsored Art Shows that provided a beautiful setting for talented artists to display their works. It was a place where the Historical Society, Preservation Alliance, Woman’s Club and Garden Club would meet or stage their special events. The Library is housed in the building and many guest authors have been on the stage speaking to a theatre filled with adoring fans. The Community House has often been referred to as the Heart of Spring Lake. It was the liveliest place in town. Unfortunately, all of this stopped on March 13. Just like every other business, school and organization, we had no book of instructions to follow. How do we survive? Will we ever go back to our old life?
Sadly, the live, performing arts will, in all probability, be the last to reopen after Covid-19 is a memory.
The Community House and Theatre depends on the success of our Children’s Performing Arts Program, our Theatre Productions and Donations to stay alive. We’ve been able to hold outdoor recitals and workshop productions to fulfill our promise to our students. We are very optimistically holding registration for Theatre Workshop and Dance classes following all the strict protocols set by the Governor and the CDC. Unfortunately, we are not able to plan for any indoor Theatre productions until further notice. The most heartbreaking fact is there will be no SCROOGE on our stage for the first time in thirty-eight years. The financial and emotional effect is devastating. Theatres throughout the world are going through the same trials and tribulations because of something none of us have any control over.
It’s especially sad that the special things in life that bring joy; sports, theatre, dining out with friends and family, amusement parks, etc. have been hit the hardest.
The Spring Lake Community House and Theatre needs your help. If you or a family member danced in a recital or performed on the stage or sat in the Theatre to enjoy a show, please consider donating to our Recovery Fund. Perhaps you could join us for A Concert for OUR Cause on September 4th from 6:30 to 8:00. Several of our most talented humans will be performing outdoors with the Community House as their backdrop. You could make it a very special evening by making reservations for pre or post show dinner at one of the wonderful restaurants that are listed on our web site. Everyone would appreciate your patronage. I’m pretty sure that we all could use a night out. Summer is almost over~~let’s make the best of September.
You can reserve tickets for the Concert and/or donate to our Recovery Fund online at here or call 732-449-4530. Seating is limited~~don’t delay!!
Please try to support live theatres everywhere. We want everyone to survive and thrive in the future~~we’re all in this together. Thank you!!
Patricia Barry
Executive Director
Spring Lake Community House and Theatre